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Poem press

Poem press



Hi and welcome to the project called Poem Press. You can check out the official website here  This is a Youtube based project of multimedia artist Richard North. In poem press i aim to provide a library of poems on pretty much every subject known to man. The poems here are presented in video format with music and even a catchy but simple background image. You can see the full collection of my works on my Youtube channel. The videos as presented in the post are accompanied with the poem in written format for reading if preferred.


Here are a couple of examples of what you can expect.

Life and death

It’s a lie that all things die.
The truth lies in changing form.
Plants that died now fuel our homes.
Born again to live again.
Energy is shapeshifting.
Vibrating up or down.
Never gone for all of time.
Only cycles spinning round.
Nature has no eye for loss.
When you’re buried in the ground.
Put back into mothers womb.
To be reborn in worlds anew.


A true emotive force.
All pervading, smell that sweet allure.
Rob you of your reason.
Turn that eye piece rose red.
To love, to live, to be.
Duality in unity.
Of freedom from mundane.
Lashings of the game.
Of welcome confusion.
Of candle burning.
Of night time passion.
Of love, of life, of timeless heights.

I hope you enjoyed what you saw and either subscribe to my channel or alternatively, like my facebook page for real time updates.

All media publicly posted on this website (unless otherwise stated) is available for use under a creative commons licence. Please take the time to read my terms of use first. You can see more of my work in this field on the literature page of my portfolio.

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