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Complete personal portfolio of Richard North (multimedia artist)

Welcome to my complete portfolio.

This following gallery contains roughly about 12 of my best works to date. These images range from personal sketch drawings to custom lettering and complex geometric artworks. Some of these projects are from my graphic design company called Sublign and some are from my Art divinity project centred intensely around geometry. I will talk about my work in more detail below.

 I am the founder of the new startup graphic design and much of the custom lettering and illustration is produced for that project. Sublign design is a company currently specialising in custom lettering and logo designs. Sublign has a rapidly growing portfolio of it’s own. At highly competitive rates, it will be sure to work for any business.

As an addition to Sublign, i also founded Art divinity which is a range producing complex geometric fine art prints and video animation light shows.

Here is one such light show.

These light shows are a classic style of motion graphics

animation involving many different photo slides sped up to create some very interesting visual effects. The light shows were initially intended to advertise the prints. However, after completing a few of these such videos it was fairly clear what i had and happily expanded upon that.

Art divinity as a company has both fine art prints and design to fit various other products on third party sites like Artpal and Cafepress. 

As a final and fairly unrelated part of the portfolio, i have a youtube channel called Poem Press which is essentially a bit of a light hearted poetry project and i have produced plenty of them.

Here is one of them.

As you can also see from the images above, i am also a proficient sketch artist and am happy to work on commissioned projects through Sublign.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my portfolio.


Richard North

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