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This following post contains a comedy poem about my love for alternative sports, It forms part of my Arts web show project on Youtube. The poem is presented in this post in both video and written form.

Here is the poem in written format.

I love sport

I love sport, I love it.
I love to run through the streets with some angry shopkeeper on my metaphorical tail.
I love to vault into the dumpster as I turn the corner.
I love to wrestle with the ‘bum’ over the home I have invaded.
I love to jump out of the dumpster and in true Parkour spirit cling to the drain pipe.
I love to play cricket as I deflect the empty beer cans with my imaginary bat.
I love to do a back tuck onto the hard concrete ground as I lose my grip.
I love to partake in boxing as I try to save what’s left of my dignity.
I love to play kiss chase as I step into the pub immediately after for a beer to finish of the well played game that many call ‘life’.
Who needs a gym?

This poem and all other publicly posted work on my site is available for use under a creative commons licence. Please read my terms of use first. You can see more of my poetic works on the literature page of my portfolio.

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