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The following poem is presented in both video and written format and forms part of my poetry project on my Youtube channel. First of all in written format.

Luck of the draw.

It’s a race, a race to complete the goal.
It’s a struggle, a struggle to establish a name.
It’s a taste, a taste for fame and glory.
It’s a hunger, a hunger for more than just this.
It’s a drive, a drive for satisfaction.
It’s a war, a war for a decent slice.
It’s a boost, a boost for the cathedral sized ego.
It’s a lust, a lust for a concept culture.
It’s a gulp, a gulp for a sating oasis.
It’s a dream, a dream for the shining lights.
It’s a hope, a hope to be successful.
It’s a chance, a chance at a decent hand.
In the game of life where luck is the ruler we do what we can to make the most of our world.
But the golden finger does not discriminate and the results of our labour may not bear our very own apple but it may plant a seed.

Now the video. The full playlist is available here.

All of the poems publicly posted on this website unless otherwise stated is available for use under a creative commons licence. Please read my terms of use first. You can see more on my work on the literature page of my portfolio.

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